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The Illuminated Self

Image by Susan Wilkinson



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Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.



Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

The True (Illuminated) Self

The association of enlightenment with light and illumination has deep cultural, philosophical, and psychological roots. The metaphor of light dispelling darkness is an ancient and universal one, representing the journey from ignorance to knowledge, from confusion to clarity, and from suffering to liberation.

Many spiritual traditions use light as a metaphor for the highest truth or the divine. In Hinduism, for instance, the festival of Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness. In Christianity, Jesus is referred to as the "light of the world." Buddhism speaks of "enlightenment" as the pinnacle of spiritual realization.

Enlightenment isn't just about intellectual knowledge; it's about an inner illumination or realization. Just as light makes things visible, spiritual enlightenment makes the truths of existence apparent to the enlightened.

Image by Marc Renken

Stoking the inner fire of

Light, especially in the form of a flame, is also associated with purity, transcendence, and transformation. The flame can symbolize the burning away of impurities or illusions to reveal the unchanging truth.

Self-realization is a profound spiritual awakening where an individual comes to recognize and experience their true nature.

There are many ways and paths to stoking this inner fire of awareness of your truth.  These include including many different types of meditation, devotion (also known as Bhakti yoga), developing spiritual knowledge (known as Jnana yoga), intentionally consuming psychedelics, and acts of selfless service (Karma yoga).  All paths are valid and unique.  

Sudden Self-Realisation

Self-realisation also can occur suddenly and spontaneously, without deliberate effort or prolonged spiritual practice. It is often described as a moment of profound insight or clarity in which an individual experiences a deep sense of connection with their inner self, the universe, or a higher power. Spontaneous awakening can be triggered by various factors such as intense emotional experiences, psychedelics, profound moments of insight, or even seemingly random events.

While spontaneous self-realization can be a transformative and life-changing experience, it is important to note that it may not necessarily lead to sustained spiritual growth or enlightenment. Integration of the insights gained during such experiences often requires ongoing reflection, practice, and inner work.

Spiritual Emergencies 

When a person with little-to-no spiritual background experiences a sudden awakening, this can lead to spiritual emergency.


A spiritual emergency, sometimes referred to as a spiritual crisis or awakening crisis, is a profound psychological and existential experience characterized by intense and disruptive shifts in consciousness, beliefs, and perceptions.


Spiritual emergencies typically involves a period of profound inner turmoil, confusion, and distress, often triggered by intense spiritual experiences, existential questions, or personal crises. 

Image by Rahul Viswanath

Some common features of a spiritual emergency include:

  1. Intense Spiritual Experiences: Individuals undergoing a spiritual emergency may experience intense mystical or transcendent experiences, such as visions, ecstatic states, or encounters with higher states of consciousness.

  2. Disorientation and Confusion: The sudden and intense nature of spiritual experiences can lead to feelings of disorientation, confusion, and existential crisis. Individuals may struggle to make sense of their experiences within their existing belief systems or cultural frameworks.

  3. Psychological and Emotional Turmoil: Spiritual emergencies often involve profound emotional and psychological upheaval, including feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, or existential despair. Individuals may grapple with questions of identity, purpose, and meaning in life.

  4. Physical and Psychosomatic Symptoms: Spiritual emergencies can also manifest as physical symptoms or psychosomatic manifestations, such as changes in sleep patterns, altered states of consciousness, or somatic sensations.

  5. Integration Challenges: Following the acute phase of a spiritual emergency, individuals may face challenges in integrating their experiences into their daily lives. They may struggle with issues of identity, relationships, and lifestyle choices as they seek to reconcile their newfound insights with their existing reality.

It's important to note that while spiritual emergencies can be deeply challenging and disruptive, they can also be transformative and catalyze profound personal growth and spiritual awakening. Many individuals emerge from spiritual crises with a deeper understanding of themselves, a greater sense of purpose, and a more expansive worldview.

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Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.

Carl Jung

Integrating Awakening

As ignorance burns away with the fire of awareness of our true nature, many people also benefit tremendously from psychotherapy, shadow-work, psychedelic-assisted therapy, hypnotherapy, somatic releasing and other forms of support so that past patterns and trauma is lovingly and carefully brought into awareness and released.  

Without this accompanying inner work, spiritual bypassing may take place and lead to significant personal challenges.  

Spiritual bypassing is a psychological defense mechanism that individuals sometimes use to avoid dealing with uncomfortable emotions, unresolved psychological issues, or challenging aspects of their lives by prematurely transcending them through spiritual practices or beliefs. Rather than confronting and addressing their underlying issues, individuals may use spiritual concepts or practices as a way to bypass or avoid them altogether.

Image by Ashkan Forouzani

Spiritual bypassing

Spiritual bypassing can hinder genuine growth and lead to various problems in people's lives.


Denial of Negative Emotions

Someone might adopt the belief that they should always stay positive and avoid feeling negative emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear. They might suppress or deny these feelings rather than acknowledging and working through them, leading to emotional repression and unresolved issues.



By bypassing difficult emotions and experiences, individuals may stagnate in their personal growth journey. Genuine growth often involves confronting and integrating all aspects of oneself, including the shadow and challenging emotions. Spiritual bypassing can prevent this deeper level of self-awareness and development.


Ungrounded Optimism

Individuals might use spiritual beliefs to mask or ignore genuine problems in their lives by adopting a mindset of unwavering positivity. This can prevent them from taking necessary action to address real issues, leading to a lack of accountability and perpetuating harmful situations.


Relationship Issues

In interpersonal relationships, spiritual bypassing can lead to difficulties in communication and conflict resolution.  Spiritual bypassing may sometimes manifest in judgmental attitudes towards others who are struggling. Rather than offering support, individuals might attribute others' struggles to their lack of spiritual awareness, thereby avoiding genuine connection and understanding.

Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger

Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.
Thich Nhat Hanh

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